Preston Inception Station Graphite Edition
The new Inception Station seatbox builds on the success of the other Inception seatboxes and boasts many of the same features such as Mag-Lok clips, footplate locking plungers and soft touch handwheels. Built on a super strong and sleek looking frame that's available in either white or graphite, the Inception station has an abundance of storage space. The deep compartmented side drawer unit is perfect for accessories while the deep side draw with removable dividers can be used for hooklength boxes, pole winders or any larger accessories. There is an empty shallow tray situated between the draws and the pole seat which is again perfect for storing pole rigs. The cassette under the frame includes a 26mm tray and lid where extra units can be added if required. The box comes supplied with x6 telescopic legs making fine adjustments on the bank effortless.
6x Inception 30mm Telescopic Seatbox Legs, Inception Mag-
Lok Padded Seat, Inception Mag-Lok 26mm Shallow Tray
Unit, Inception Mag-Lok Seatbox Lid Unit, Inception Mag-Lok
2 Drawer Unit, Deluxe Padded Shoulder Strap
W - 75.5
D - 57.3-80cm
WEIGHT 16.22kg